During this Lecture Lee Gretton spoke to us about the production process based on his own client based project. while giving a four step process which began with having an idea, step two was research, step three was production and the fourth step was delivery. I took more interest and was more focused on the second and final step for my clients based project for research because it mentioned looking into other sources of music similar to what Lee had to do which gave me the idea to look at other TV shows and motion pictures of a similar nature I tended to focus on products with female protagnoists as they where similar to the short film I was working on. The forth step delivery was also a focus due to it being a client when the majority was of sound project was complete I got the director and producer to come in and have a listen and there was a lot back and forth with what they were happy with and what they wanted to add so learning that in this lecture help no what to expect.