During this session between myself and Lee discussed the different research sources which had used so far and if what i was focussing on is considered to be useful. We also finalised what my Learning Outcomes and aims and objectives where for project. This session was very helpful to me in gaining a more focused idea of what I should research for this project.
Ethan Jamal Adamson-Joseph
During my second session with Lee we discussed types of research can be used from videos/documentaries, books, and speaking to working professionals. We also discussed what I should expect from the media group I am working with, and what is expected of me due to the size of the project and that I am the only audio production student. We also had a discussion on what my learning outcomes, aims and objectives should be for the project. This session was helpful as it gave more of an understanding into the variety of research I am able to use and allowed for me to have knowledge on what to expect and what is expected of me.
On the 19th of January I had a tutorial meeting with Lee Gretton in which we discussed the initial project idea of doing audio recording and post production mixing for a short film and came up with different research sources i should look into reading. I felt that this session was very helpful because of how we communicated throughout the session.
Acoustic Effects & Techniques
I have researched several audio techniques techniques I plan focus on during my mix
- Absence of sound- The absence of sound is in reference to silence meaning I plan to during specific scene I will take away all diegetic and non- diegetic sound to have more of a dramatic affect during the scene.
- Acousmatic sound- Acousmatic sound is a technique where a person hears a sound without visually confirming the source. this depends on the visual cut but if possible it could be done with one of the characters off of the screen.
- Audio jump scares- An audio jump scare is when audio matches up with visual jump scare often with some kind of visual cue.
- Vast extension- During some of the outside scenes I plan to have as much background noise as possible from the wind, possible traffic, local wildlife and nature itself.
- Null extension- During specific scenes I plan to have the outside world blocked out and just the character Jo possibly be in contemplation or have her thoughts heard to the audience.
- Non diegetic sounds- Non diegetic sounds is an audio technique where what the audience can hear cannot be heard by the characters or originate from the films world. An example of this is when you hear the sound score being played like in Psycho the Bernard Hermann score the characters cannot hear it but the audience can.
- Diegetic sounds- Diegetic sounds is an audio technique which is the opposite to non- diegetic where as the characters could not hear music scores, with diegetic sounds are things like footsteps, dialogue or even the wind and rain hitting against a window all things a character is able to hear.
These techniques all relate to 2nd learning outcome
How foley will be used
Foley is a crucial part of non silent films, foley is generally made up of small insignificant sounds alone but together they can fill out the film. Foley tends to capture the sound of movement such as footsteps or doors opening and closing. For the film ill be working ill be covering footsteps, doors being open and closed, wind rattling against objects, a shovel being used into the ground and many more. ill will be also doing SFX in appropriate locations if possible meaning when not in the foley studio ill be recording SFX in locations relevant to the scenes.
This relates to my second and third learning outcome